All you need to do is specify a cultivar with AR37 endophyte when ordering your pasture seed from your local seed retailer
- Bred in Australia from drought surviving plants
- Excellent late season quality feed
- Very high tiller density and high dry matter production
- High yielding ryegrass
- Very strong cool-season production
- Mid-late heading ryegrass
- Diploid perennial ryegrass with high tiller density
- Fine-leaved and low aftermath heading providing excellent feed quality
- Mid-Late heading (+12 days)
- Excellent, year round dry matter production
- Long season, high yielding production
- Outstanding summer, autumn and winter production
- High quality late feed
- Excellent late season quality
- Higher levels of water soluble carbohydrates (sugars)
- Very high tiller density
- A dense, fine leaved cultivar
- Strong year round performer
- High total production
- Quick to establish
- Excellent rust tolerance
- High quality feed throughout the growing season
- Ideal for undersowing programmes
- Ideal for short term finishing pastures, runoff pastures, supplementary systems
- Strong annual production with exceptional summer and autumn productivity
- Extremely late heading date (+36 days) boosting late seasonal pasture quality
- Diploid level tiller density to enhance persistence
- Tetraploid grazing preference to drive animal intakes
- Excellent rust tolerance to improve summer and autumn palatability
- A high performing diploid perennial ryegrass with mid heading (+3)
- Well balanced, seasonal growth potential with excellent early-spring growth in cooler regions
- Persistent in and tolerant of a wide range of environments
- Very good tiller density with extremely low aftermath heading in summer
- Ideal for sheep, beef and dairy systems looking for extra spring growth while maintaining summer and autumn quality and production.
# Platform and Prospect have been bred, selected and successfully tested as a perennial and will function as a perennial ryegrass. Due to a small number of tip awns, Platform and Prospect are certified as Lolium boucheanum